Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Powerful Excel Utility for DBAs

Excel Utility for DBAs

This Excel utility has been very useful to all my colleagues at different places as well to my other DBA friends. Based on popular demand I am pleased to share this utility with a broader community of DBA team by sharing this to everyone.

This utility is pretty self explanatory. Due to privacy and security reason I have included sample database names. To begin validating this utility, you need to replace sample database names with your database name(s), which you can do by running a macro(ctrl+shift+T) which will read a TNSNames.ora file you provide as input.

Here is the usage included in the Excel file in the "Version" tab.

Usage: This WorkBook is useful for collecting information from multiple  Oracle  or  SQL Server databases in Excel WorkSheet. Initialization of macros  is very dependent on your current cursor (selected cell) position.  Query you enter in C2 and other cell should  NOT contain ";" at the end of the query string. Enhancement has been done to trim the trailing ";", if present. You should always validate that query you are going to execute against multiple database is syntactically correct.
There are couple macros in this WorkBook , most of them have shortcuts too. (Ref: List of Macros)
For collectData Macro:
You can enter multiple queries , one query in its own cell. Starting from C2, C3, C4, etc.
You can specify work sheet name for the  query results, if you omit it will autogenerate one for you. WorkSheetName must be specified in B2, B3, B4, etc. corresponding cells for the queries.
Queries must be followed by header line and then followed by Sr.No and Database Aliases (from your local TNSNAMES.ora file). Please refer to the "Sample" WorkSheet in this WorkBook.
Once ready with this setup press "Ctl+Shift+C" and will display Login Window for the common user name and password across all the databases. If you have separate username and/or password, use  column E and F to specify  username and password respectively. Select environment type; N => for Non Production, P => For production, A => For all environment. Once entered all this information this macro executes all the listed queries in the current WorkSheet for all the databases listed in the current WorkSheet only. All database must be consecutoive without any Blank lies and/or Sr.No.
WorkSheet containing result contains following additional information:
Date and Time in Cell A1.  Row 2 contains header name and Column A contains database name. Query executed is being stored as Comments for Cell A2.
Also, there will be text file generated in the directory where this Excel file with Macro is being stored, (e.g. DB2Excel4DP.xlsm.txt)  which can be used to watch the progress of the execution. It updates this file once it  completes execution for the databse (success/failure).

List of Macros:
MacroName ShortCut Description
collectData Ctl+Shift+C Execute queries and stores result in WorkSheets
compareResults Ctl+Shift+R Execute queries and stores result SideBySide
DeleteCNValidWrkSheet Ctl+Shift+D Delete CN Valid Worksheets (Autogenerated after each execution)
readTNSNamesAndList Ctl+Shift+T Reads TNSNames.ora file from the specified location and list all aliases in a new WorkSheet.

In order to get this file, as of now please feel free to send me email (patel.RiDham at I will share this file with you at the earliest feasible time.

Here is the permanent link to this Excel utility.

If you like this utility please feel free to leave your comments here as well as feel free to leave any suggestions/enhancements.

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